android - How to prevent memory increase on Image Compression -

i trying capture image, compress file & upload server. but, when doing that, memory size increases 60 mb.

enter image description here

i doing following approach compress image file path. during process only,memory size increases & getting out of memory issue also.

public string getscaledpic(string path)     {         bitmap img;         try {             string filepath =path;;              string foldername = filepath.substring(0, filepath.lastindexof("/")+1);              string tmpfilename = (filepath.substring(filepath.lastindexof("/")+1)).split("\\.")[0]+"_tmp.jpg";             file = new file(filepath);             foldername=getactivity().getfilesdir()+"/";             file = new file(foldername+tmpfilename);             try {                  copy(from, to);                 compress(foldername+tmpfilename);             } catch (ioexception io){                  return path;             }             return  foldername+tmpfilename;          }         catch(exception e)         {             return path;          }      }       public void copy(file src, file dst) throws ioexception {         inputstream in = new fileinputstream(src);         outputstream out = new fileoutputstream(dst);          // transfer bytes in out         byte[] buf = new byte[1024];         int len;         while ((len = > 0) {             out.write(buf, 0, len);         }         in.close();         out.close();     }       public void compress(string comp) {         try {              string path = comp;             bitmapfactory.options buffer = new bitmapfactory.options();             bitmap bmp = bitmapfactory.decodefile(path, buffer);              if (bmp.getwidth() > 768 && bmp.getheight() > 768){                  float widthcompression = 768.0f/bmp.getwidth();                 float heightcompression = 768.0f/bmp.getheight();                 if (widthcompression>=heightcompression)                 {                     bitmap resized = bitmap.createscaledbitmap(bmp,(int)(bmp.getwidth()*widthcompression), (int)(bmp.getheight()*widthcompression), true);                     bmp.recycle();                     fileoutputstream out = new fileoutputstream(path);                     resized.compress(compressformat.jpeg, 100, out);                     resized.recycle();                     out.flush();                     out.close();                 }                 else                 {                     bitmap resized = bitmap.createscaledbitmap(bmp,(int)(bmp.getwidth()*heightcompression), (int)(bmp.getheight()*heightcompression), true);                     bmp.recycle();                     fileoutputstream out = new fileoutputstream(path);                     resized.compress(compressformat.jpeg, 100, out);                     resized.recycle();                     out.flush();                     out.close();                 }              }          } catch (exception e) {             e.printstacktrace();         }     } 

is there mistake approach? also, image, how handle memory leaks or heavy memory usage caused bitmaps?

hey use following code reduce file size.

===================== add class ================================

public class scalingutilities {  /**  * utility function decoding image resource. decoded bitmap  * optimized further scaling requested destination dimensions  * , scaling logic.  *  * @param res resources object containing image data  * @param resid resource id of image data  * @param dstwidth width of destination area  * @param dstheight height of destination area  * @param scalinglogic logic use avoid image stretching  * @return decoded bitmap  */ public static bitmap decoderesource(resources res, int resid, int dstwidth, int dstheight,         scalinglogic scalinglogic) {     options options = new options();     options.injustdecodebounds = true;     bitmapfactory.decoderesource(res, resid, options);     options.injustdecodebounds = false;     options.insamplesize = calculatesamplesize(options.outwidth, options.outheight, dstwidth,             dstheight, scalinglogic);     bitmap unscaledbitmap = bitmapfactory.decoderesource(res, resid, options);      return unscaledbitmap; } public static bitmap decodefile(string path, int dstwidth, int dstheight,         scalinglogic scalinglogic) {     options options = new options();     options.injustdecodebounds = true;     bitmapfactory.decodefile(path, options);     options.injustdecodebounds = false;     options.insamplesize = calculatesamplesize(options.outwidth, options.outheight, dstwidth,             dstheight, scalinglogic);     bitmap unscaledbitmap = bitmapfactory.decodefile(path, options);      return unscaledbitmap; }  /**  * utility function creating scaled version of existing bitmap  *  * @param unscaledbitmap bitmap scale  * @param dstwidth wanted width of destination bitmap  * @param dstheight wanted height of destination bitmap  * @param scalinglogic logic use avoid image stretching  * @return new scaled bitmap object  */ public static bitmap createscaledbitmap(bitmap unscaledbitmap, int dstwidth, int dstheight,         scalinglogic scalinglogic) {     rect srcrect = calculatesrcrect(unscaledbitmap.getwidth(), unscaledbitmap.getheight(),             dstwidth, dstheight, scalinglogic);     rect dstrect = calculatedstrect(unscaledbitmap.getwidth(), unscaledbitmap.getheight(),             dstwidth, dstheight, scalinglogic);     bitmap scaledbitmap = bitmap.createbitmap(dstrect.width(), dstrect.height(),             config.argb_8888);     canvas canvas = new canvas(scaledbitmap);     canvas.drawbitmap(unscaledbitmap, srcrect, dstrect, new paint(paint.filter_bitmap_flag));      return scaledbitmap; }  /**  * scalinglogic defines how scaling should carried out if source ,  * destination image has different aspect ratio.  *  * crop: scales image minimum amount while making sure @ least  * 1 of 2 dimensions fit inside requested destination area.  * parts of source image cropped realize this.  *  * fit: scales image minimum amount while making sure both  * dimensions fit inside requested destination area. resulting  * destination dimensions might adjusted smaller size  * requested.  */ public static enum scalinglogic {     crop, fit }  /**  * calculate optimal down-sampling factor given dimensions of source  * image, dimensions of destination area , scaling logic.  *  * @param srcwidth width of source image  * @param srcheight height of source image  * @param dstwidth width of destination area  * @param dstheight height of destination area  * @param scalinglogic logic use avoid image stretching  * @return optimal down scaling sample size decoding  */ public static int calculatesamplesize(int srcwidth, int srcheight, int dstwidth, int dstheight,         scalinglogic scalinglogic) {     if (scalinglogic == {         final float srcaspect = (float)srcwidth / (float)srcheight;         final float dstaspect = (float)dstwidth / (float)dstheight;          if (srcaspect > dstaspect) {             return srcwidth / dstwidth;         } else {             return srcheight / dstheight;         }     } else {         final float srcaspect = (float)srcwidth / (float)srcheight;         final float dstaspect = (float)dstwidth / (float)dstheight;          if (srcaspect > dstaspect) {             return srcheight / dstheight;         } else {             return srcwidth / dstwidth;         }     } }  /**  * calculates source rectangle scaling bitmap  *  * @param srcwidth width of source image  * @param srcheight height of source image  * @param dstwidth width of destination area  * @param dstheight height of destination area  * @param scalinglogic logic use avoid image stretching  * @return optimal source rectangle  */ public static rect calculatesrcrect(int srcwidth, int srcheight, int dstwidth, int dstheight,         scalinglogic scalinglogic) {     if (scalinglogic == scalinglogic.crop) {         final float srcaspect = (float)srcwidth / (float)srcheight;         final float dstaspect = (float)dstwidth / (float)dstheight;          if (srcaspect > dstaspect) {             final int srcrectwidth = (int)(srcheight * dstaspect);             final int srcrectleft = (srcwidth - srcrectwidth) / 2;             return new rect(srcrectleft, 0, srcrectleft + srcrectwidth, srcheight);         } else {             final int srcrectheight = (int)(srcwidth / dstaspect);             final int scrrecttop = (int)(srcheight - srcrectheight) / 2;             return new rect(0, scrrecttop, srcwidth, scrrecttop + srcrectheight);         }     } else {         return new rect(0, 0, srcwidth, srcheight);     } }  /**  * calculates destination rectangle scaling bitmap  *  * @param srcwidth width of source image  * @param srcheight height of source image  * @param dstwidth width of destination area  * @param dstheight height of destination area  * @param scalinglogic logic use avoid image stretching  * @return optimal destination rectangle  */ public static rect calculatedstrect(int srcwidth, int srcheight, int dstwidth, int dstheight,         scalinglogic scalinglogic) {     if (scalinglogic == {         final float srcaspect = (float)srcwidth / (float)srcheight;         final float dstaspect = (float)dstwidth / (float)dstheight;          if (srcaspect > dstaspect) {             return new rect(0, 0, dstwidth, (int)(dstwidth / srcaspect));         } else {             return new rect(0, 0, (int)(dstheight * srcaspect), dstheight);         }     } else {         return new rect(0, 0, dstwidth, dstheight);     } } 


============= use method resize image ==================

private string decodefile(string path, int desiredwidth, int desiredheight) {     string strmyimagepath = null;     bitmap scaledbitmap = null;      try {         // part 1: decode image         bitmap unscaledbitmap = scalingutilities.decodefile(path, desiredwidth, desiredheight,;          if (!(unscaledbitmap.getwidth() <= desiredwidth && unscaledbitmap.getheight() <= desiredheight)) {             // part 2: scale image             scaledbitmap = scalingutilities.createscaledbitmap(unscaledbitmap, desiredwidth, desiredheight,;         } else {             unscaledbitmap.recycle();             return path;         }          // store tmp file          string extr = environment.getexternalstoragedirectory().tostring();         file mfolder = new file(extr + "/tmmfolder");         if (!mfolder.exists()) {             mfolder.mkdir();         }          string s = "tmp.png";          file f = new file(mfolder.getabsolutepath(), s);          strmyimagepath = f.getabsolutepath();         fileoutputstream fos = null;         try {             fos = new fileoutputstream(f);             scaledbitmap.compress(bitmap.compressformat.jpeg, 75, fos);             fos.flush();             fos.close();         } catch (filenotfoundexception e) {              e.printstacktrace();         } catch (exception e) {              e.printstacktrace();         }          scaledbitmap.recycle();     } catch (throwable e) {     }      if (strmyimagepath == null) {         return path;     }     return strmyimagepath;  } 


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