javascript - Auto capitalisation of input field using AngularJS -
i have directive on input field licence key validates against server side api. works fine want licence key auto hyphenate , appear capitalized.
i.e. user typing in abcd1234qwer5678
have appear abcd-1234-qwer-5678
. (i first trying auto capitalisation working, ill try hyphenating)
i have tried couple of things, firstly watch within controller
$scope.$watch('licencekey', function (newvalue, oldvalue) { $scope.$apply(function () { $scope.licencekey = newvalue.touppercase(); }) });
and tried using second directive applied input
myapp.directive('capitalize', function() { return { require: 'ngmodel', link: function(scope, element, attrs, modelctrl) { var capitalize = function(inputvalue) { if(inputvalue == undefined) inputvalue = ''; var capitalized = inputvalue.touppercase(); if(capitalized !== inputvalue) { modelctrl.$setviewvalue(capitalized); modelctrl.$render(); } return capitalized; } modelctrl.$parsers.push(capitalize); capitalize(scope[attrs.ngmodel]); // capitalize initial value } }; });
the first 1 seems nothing , second seems replace existing text after short delay. html so
<input type="text" name="licencekey" ng-model="licencekey" ng-model-options="{ debounce : { 'default' : 150 } }" licence-key-validator />
what best way achieve want , why getting these issues?
what have noticed if use batarang
inspect scope licencekey seems stay null until submit form. why not populated type input?
angular.module('licenceapp.controllers', []) .controller('licencecontroller', ['$scope', 'licenceapiservice', '$filter', function ($scope, licenceapiservice, $filter) { $scope.licencekey = ""; $scope.$watch('licencekey', function (newvalue, oldvalue) { $scope.$apply(function () { $scope.licencekey = newvalue.touppercase(); }) }); ...
i have notice when use watch
, text isnt capitalised until valid licence key (as validated licenceapiservice) capitalised when enter valid key in lower case. code below:
angular.module('licenceapp.directives', []) .directive('licencekeyvalidator', function ($http, $q, licenceapiservice) { return { require: 'ngmodel', link: function ($scope, element, attrs, ngmodel) { ngmodel.$asyncvalidators.licencekeyvalidator = function (licencekey) { var deferred = $q.defer(); licenceapiservice.validatekey(licencekey).then(function (data) { if ( { deferred.resolve(); } else { deferred.reject(); } }, function () { deferred.reject(); }); return deferred.promise; }; } } });
i managed create small function using filter created capitalizes , hyphenates, take , let me know if meets needs.
var app = angular.module("myapp", []); app.controller('myctrl', ['$scope', '$filter', function($scope, $filter){ $scope.mytext = ""; $scope.update = function(){ $scope.mytext = $filter('myfilter')($scope.mytext); }; }]); app.filter('myfilter', function(){ return function(text){ if(!text) return text; else{ var toreturn = text; toreturn = toreturn.touppercase().replace('', ''); if(toreturn.length > 4 && toreturn[4] !== "-") toreturn = toreturn.substring(0, 4) + "-" + toreturn.substring(4); if(toreturn.length > 9 && toreturn[9] !== "-") toreturn = toreturn.substring(0, 9) + "-" + toreturn.substring(9); if(toreturn.length > 14 && toreturn[14] !== "-") toreturn = toreturn.substring(0, 14) + "-" + toreturn.substring(14); return toreturn; } }; });
<input ng-model="mytext" ng-change="update()"/>
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