unity3d - ios/unity how to open app with attachment -

i have "simple-example" code showing "how share ios". never had ios in hands... ;/

what want: open other app attachment (e.g. mail, pinterest, twitter etc.)

i found how @ android:

androidjavaclass androidintentcl = new androidjavaclass ("android.content.intent");         androidjavaobject androidintentobj = new androidjavaobject ("android.content.intent");         androidintentobj.call<androidjavaobject> ("setaction", androidintentcl.getstatic<string> ("action_send"));         androidjavaclass uriclass = new androidjavaclass ("android.net.uri");         androidjavaobject uriobject = uriclass.callstatic<androidjavaobject> ("parse", "file://" + photoaddress);         androidintentobj.call<androidjavaobject> ("putextra", androidintentcl.getstatic<string> ("extra_stream"), uriobject);         androidintentobj.call<androidjavaobject> ("settype", "image/jpeg");         androidjavaclass unity = new androidjavaclass ("com.unity3d.player.unityplayer");         androidjavaobject currentactivity = unity.getstatic<androidjavaobject> ("currentactivity");         currentactivity.call ("startactivity", androidintentobj); 

is simple way similar @ ios? tutorials etc? ios testing when show simple example. confused.

there no simple way that, need implement every platform: tweeter, facebook , others using sdk provided them. , mail cand implemented using ios provided mail class in xcode.


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