Scala filter tuples (x, y) == (y, x) -
i have list of tuples, example:
(0,2) (0,5) (2,0) (2,5) (3,4) (4,3) (5,0) (5,2)
there tuples (x, y) == (y, x)
, example (5, 0) , (0, 5). want leave 1 of them, example first one. how can it?
using foldleft
var ts = list((0,2), (0,5), (2,0), (2,5), (3,4), (4,3), (5,0), (5,2)) ts.foldleft(list[(int,int)]()) {(acc, el) => if ((acc contains el) || (acc contains el.swap)) acc else el::acc} // list[(int, int)] = list((3,4), (2,5), (0,5), (0,2))
or, sets o(n) version (assuming set lookup , additions o(1))
ts.foldleft(set[(int,int)]()){(acc, el) => if (acc(el.swap)) acc else acc + el}
if doesn't matter if re-order ones swapped tuple not present (i'm guessing doesn't don't specify of ones have swapped tuple should kept):{t => if (t._1 < t._2) t else t.swap}.distinct // list[(int, int)] = list((0,2), (0,5), (2,5), (3,4))
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