xcode - custom title bar for NSWindow -

i have been trying create custom title bar nswindow, following of creating custom title bar on standard nswindow.

nsview *themeframe = [[window contentview] superview]; nsview *firstsubview = [[themeframe subviews] objectatindex:0]; [titlebarview setautoresizingmask:(nsviewminymargin | nsviewwidthsizable)]; [themeframe addsubview:titlebarview positioned:nswindowbelow relativeto:firstsubview]; 

it works osx 10.9, in osx 10.10, xcode posts waring:

nswindow warning: adding unknown subview:xxx 0   appkit                              0x00007fff88f80b3c -[nsthemeframe addsubview:] + 107 1   appkit                              0x00007fff8896fb8f -[nsview addsubview:positioned:relativeto:] + 208 

the app can run , show customised title, , warning shows in xcode console. osx 10.10 make changes here? , new methods add custom title bar?

yes, os x yosemite uses new nstitlebaraccessoryviewcontroller api adding custom subviews titlebar:

nswindow has never supported clients adding subviews other contentview. applications add subviews contentview.superview (also known border view of window). nswindow log when detects scenario: "nswindow warning: adding unknown subview:". applications doing need fix problem, prevents new features on 10.10 working properly. see titlebaraccessoryviewcontrollers official api.

nswindow has ability add officially known subviews titlebar/toolbar area. views wrapped new nsviewcontroller subclass called nstitlebaraccessoryviewcontroller , added window "titlebaraccessoryviewcontrollers" api. there set of methods add , insert titlebaraccessoryviewcontrollers, such addtitlebaraccessoryviewcontroller: , removetitlebaraccessoryviewcontrolleratindex:. however, 1 can utilize "removefromparentviewcontroller" remove given child view controller. nstitlebaraccessoryviewcontroller has property tell nswindow place view (layoutattribute) , property determine how behaves in full screen (fullscreenminheight). nstoolbar fullscreenaccessoryview api deprecated, , clients should utilize new api.



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