ruby on rails 3 - Activerecord adds additional conditions in query -

for example doing this:


and result query via



select `platform_informers`.* `platform_informers`  `platform_informers`.`platform` = 'android' , `platform_informers`.`email` = '' , (1) 

i didn't ask add email , platform fields in clause!

this problem causes when executing code inside platforinformer model methods. default scope doesn't set. root of evil?

rails 3.2.13


class platforminformer < activerecord::base   include hasuniquegenerator    attr_accessible :email, :platform,:secret_code,:activated,:invitation_sent    before_create :init_secret_code    platforms = %w(windows macos android ios)    def self.platforms     platforms   end    validates :platform, :presence => true,:inclusion => { :in =>platforms }   validates :email, :presence => true, :email => true    validates_uniqueness_of :email, scope: :platform    scope :confirmed, { where(:activated => true) }    def several_platforms?     platforminformer.confirmed.find_all_by_email( > 0   end    def send_confirmation     if already_subscribed?       activate!     else       platforminformermailer.inform_me(     end   end    def activate!     platforminformer.where(:email=>>true)   end     private   def init_secret_code     gen_unique_code :secret_code, 16   end    def already_subscribed?     platforminformer.confirmed.where(email:   end  end 

problem in using first_or_create method, created virtual scope email , platform attributes.


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