python - Pygame - How to stop an image from leaving the edge of the screen? -

a section of jetfighterx leaves screen when mouse hovers on edge of window, causes tarantula explode time time respawns top of window, how can stop happening (without use of classes)?


import pygame, sys, pygame.mixer pygame.locals import * import random  pygame.init()  bif = "space.jpg" jf = "spacefightersprite.png" enemy = "tarantulaspacefighter.png"  laser = pygame.mixer.sound("laserblast.wav") explosionsound = pygame.mixer.sound("explosion.wav")  screen = pygame.display.set_mode((1000,900),0,32) caption = pygame.display.set_caption("jet fighter x")  background = pygame.image.load(bif).convert()  jetfighterx = pygame.image.load(jf) jetfighterx = pygame.transform.scale(jetfighterx, (400,400))  tarantula = pygame.image.load(enemy) tarantula = pygame.transform.scale(tarantula, (100,100))  laserblast = pygame.image.load("c:\python27\laser.png") explosion=pygame.image.load("c:\python27\explosion.png") explosion=pygame.transform.scale(explosion, (150,150))  ex,ey = 450,0 movex,movey = 0,0 clock = pygame.time.clock() speed = 300 shoot_y = 0 laser_fired = false collision = false alive = true  explo_timer = 25  while true:     pygame.mouse.set_visible(false)      mx,my = pygame.mouse.get_pos()      jetfighterx_rect = jetfighterx.get_rect(center=(mx, my))     jetfighterx_rect = jetfighterx_rect.inflate(-200,-200)      tarantula_rect = tarantula.get_rect(center=(ex, ey))     tarantula_rect = tarantula_rect.inflate(-180,-200)      # check player inputs     event in pygame.event.get():         if event.type == quit:             pygame.quit()             sys.exit()         if event.type == keydown:             if event.key == k_escape or event.key == k_q:                 sys.exit()          if event.type == mousebuttondown:             laser_fired = true                shoot_y = my-200             shoot_x = mx-16      # update game      milli = clock.tick()     seconds = milli/1000.      dmy = seconds * speed     ey += dmy      if ey > 900:         explo_timer = 25          collision = false         alive = true          ey = 0         ex = random.randint(50,900)     if laser_fired:         shoot_y -= 10         if shoot_y < 0:             laser_fired = false         else:             laserblast_rect = laserblast.get_rect(center=(shoot_x, shoot_y))              if laserblast_rect.colliderect(tarantula_rect):                        collision = true                 alive = false       if jetfighterx_rect.colliderect(tarantula_rect) , alive:         collision = true         alive = false     # draw on screen     screen.blit(background, (0,0))     screen.blit(jetfighterx,(mx-200,my-200))     if not collision:         screen.blit(tarantula, (ex, ey))     elif collision:         explo_timer-=2         if explo_timer > 0 , alive == false:             screen.blit(explosion, (ex, ey-50))     if laser_fired:         screen.blit(laserblast, (shoot_x, shoot_y))      pygame.display.update() 

just add limit not allow fighter move within x pixels of border.

assuming x,y coordinates of centre of fighter jetfighter_x, jetfighter_y (you need change variable names whatever code has) write this:

lbuffer = 16 rbuffer = 1000 - 16 tbuffer = 900 - 16 bbuffer = 16  if jetfighter_x > rbuffer:     jetfighter_x = rbuffer  if jetfighter_x < lbuffer:     jetfighter_x = lbuffer  if jetfighter_y > tbuffer:     jetfighter_y = tbuffer  if jetfighter_y < bbuffer:     jetfighter_y = bbuffer 

this should prevent center of ship getting closer 16 pixels edge. need tweak accommodate size of ship. (the buffer sides width of image/2 .respectively buffer top , bottom height of image/2).


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