ios - Navigationbar title alignment issue -
i have set custom view navigation bar titleview, when page first view controller title shown correctly in center
but when view controller pushed view controller title shifted right
code :
-(void)setuptwolinenavigationtitle { cgfloat width = 0.95 * self.view.frame.size.width; uiview *contentview = [[uiview alloc] initwithframe:cgrectmake(0, 0, width, 44)]; contentview.backgroundcolor = [uicolor clearcolor]; cgrect titlerect = contentview.frame; titlerect.origin.y = 4; titlerect.size.height = 20; uilabel *titleview = [[uilabel alloc] initwithframe:titlerect]; titleview.backgroundcolor = [uicolor clearcolor]; titleview.font = [uifont systemfontofsize:14.0]; titleview.textalignment = nstextalignmentcenter; titleview.textcolor = [uicolor blackcolor]; titleview.text = @""; [contentview addsubview:titleview]; cgrect subtitlerect = contentview.frame; subtitlerect.origin.y = 24; subtitlerect.size.height = subtitlerect.size.height - 24; //cgrect subtitleframe = cgrectmake(0, 24, 220, 44-24); uilabel *subtitleview = [[uilabel alloc] initwithframe:subtitlerect]; subtitleview.backgroundcolor = [uicolor clearcolor]; subtitleview.font = [uifont systemfontofsize:11.0]; subtitleview.textalignment = nstextalignmentcenter; subtitleview.textcolor = [uicolor blackcolor]; subtitleview.text = @""; [contentview addsubview:subtitleview]; contentview.autoresizingmask = uiviewautoresizingflexibleleftmargin | uiviewautoresizingflexiblerightmargin; self.navigationitem.titleview = contentview; }
can me in correcting ?
github link :
here workaround, may useful, idea use uilabel titleview
of navigationitem
. way don't have manually calculate , adjust frame, automatically centered system. range in code hardcoded though.
// here create uilabel uilabel *label = [[uilabel alloc] initwithframe:cgrectzero]; label.backgroundcolor = [uicolor clearcolor]; label.textcolor = [uicolor blackcolor]; label.numberoflines = 0; // set different font title , subtitle nsmutableattributedstring * string = [[nsmutableattributedstring alloc] initwithstring:@"title\nsubtitle"]; [string addattribute:nsfontattributename value:[uifont systemfontofsize:14.0] range:nsmakerange(0,5)]; [string addattribute:nsfontattributename value:[uifont systemfontofsize:11.0] range:nsmakerange(6,8)]; // set line spacing nsmutableparagraphstyle *paragrahstyle = [[nsmutableparagraphstyle alloc] init]; [paragrahstyle setlinespacing:6]; [paragrahstyle setalignment:nstextalignmentcenter]; [string addattribute:nsparagraphstyleattributename value:paragrahstyle range:nsmakerange(0, [string length])]; label.attributedtext = string; [label sizetofit]; self.navigationitem.titleview = label;
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