PHP DOMDocument output HTML page code -

i've made web application in user inputs data , xml generated values ms sql server database, since users going using locally being hosted on server, need trigger downloads instead of saving location, , while that, output includes html in page, code

if(isset($_post['enviar'])) {     $dia = $_post['dia'];     $mes = $_post['mes'];     $anio = $_post['anio'];     $fechao = $dia.'/'.$mes.'/'.$anio;     $rifr = 'j'.$_post['rifr'];     $cod = $_post['cod'];     $xml = new domdocument('1.0', 'iso-8859-1');     $sql = "select        replace(replace(replace(dbo.saprov.id3, '-', ''), '.', ''), ' ', '') rif, right(replace(replace(replace(saacxp_1.numerod, '-', ''), 'a', ''), ' ', ''), 8)                               n_factura, right(replace(replace(saacxp_1.nroctrol, '-', ''), ' ', ''), 8) nroctrol, '0' + dbo.sapagcxp.codrete codoper,                               dbo.sapagcxp.basereten monto, isnull(dbo.saoper.clase, '2') porcentaje, substring(convert(varchar, dbo.saacxp.fechae, 112), 1, 6) mes                dbo.saoper right outer join                              dbo.saacxp saacxp_1 right outer join                              dbo.sapagcxp right outer join                              dbo.saprov inner join                              dbo.saacxp on dbo.saprov.codprov = dbo.saacxp.codprov on dbo.sapagcxp.numerod = dbo.saacxp.numerod on                               saacxp_1.nrounico = dbo.saacxp.nroregi on dbo.saoper.codoper = dbo.saacxp.codoper            (dbo.saacxp.tipocxp = '21')";     $stmt = sqlsrv_query($conex, $sql) or die('query failed!');     while($row = sqlsrv_fetch_array($stmt, sqlsrv_fetch_assoc))     {         $root = $xml->createelement("relacionretencionesislr");         $xml->appendchild($root);         $root->setattribute("rifagente", $row['rif']);         $root->appendchild($xml->createattribute('periodo'))->appendchild($xml->createtextnode($row['mes']));          //         $a1 = $xml->createelement("rifretenido");         $rif = $xml->createtextnode($rifr);         $a1->appendchild($rif);         //         $a2 = $xml->createelement("numerofactura");         $nfactura = $xml->createtextnode($row['n_factura']);         $a2->appendchild($nfactura);         //         $a3 = $xml->createelement("numerocontrol");         $ncontrol = $xml->createtextnode($row['nroctrol']);         $a3->appendchild($ncontrol);         //         $a4 = $xml->createelement("fechaoperacion");         $fecha = $xml->createtextnode($fechao);         $a4->appendchild($fecha);         //         $a5 = $xml->createelement("codigoconcepto");         $concepto = $xml->createtextnode($cod);         $a5->appendchild($concepto);         //         $a6 = $xml->createelement("montooperacion");         $monto = $xml->createtextnode($row['monto']);         $a6->appendchild($monto);         //         $a7 = $xml->createelement("porcentajeretencion");         $porcentaje = $xml->createtextnode($row['porcentaje']);         $a7->appendchild($porcentaje);         //         $book = $xml->createelement("detalleretencion");         $book->appendchild($a1);         $book->appendchild($a2);         $book->appendchild($a3);         $book->appendchild($a4);         $book->appendchild($a5);         $book->appendchild($a6);         $book->appendchild($a7);         $root->appendchild($book);     }     $xml->formatoutput = true;     $name = strftime('backup_%m_%d_%y.xml');     header('content-disposition: attachment;filename=' . $name);     header('content-type: text/xml');     $xml->save('php://output'); //  echo $xml->savexml(); //  $xml->save("mybooks.xml") or die("error"); } 

i've searched on google can find people want output html code xml

you can not output 2 responses single http request.

much image or download need separate request outputs xml , provide user way call (link, form, redirect, javascript).


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