java - How do I make this program with multiple classes run? -

i doing project school , have been given code need modify. problem cannot code run in first place. know having problems class paths , packages because have never used them before. these classes:

import java.util.scanner; import*;  public class sudsolve {     public static void main(string[] args) {         try {             scanner scan = new scanner(;             system.out.println("enter sudoku file name");             string name =;             readboard r = new readboard(name);             r.readlines();             sudboard b = new sudboard(r.getboardnums());             b.display();             b.solve();         } catch (ioexception e) {             system.out.println(e);         }     } } 

import java.util.scanner; import*;  public class echo { string filename; // external file name scanner scan; // scanner object reading external file  public echo(string f) throws ioexception{     filename = f;     scan = new scanner(new filereader(filename)); }  public void readlines() { // reads lines, hands each processline     while (scan.hasnext()) {         processline(scan.nextline());     }     scan.close(); }  public void processline(string line) { // real processing work     system.out.println(line);     } } 

package sudoku;  public class malformedboardexception extends exception {     public malformedboardexception() {     super(); }  public malformedboardexception(string comment) {     super(comment);     } } 

import; import java.util.stringtokenizer;  public class readboard extends echo { // assumes board entries of form: 9 rows of 9 nums private int[] boardnums = new int[81]; private int currow = 0;  public readboard(string filename) throws ioexception {     super(filename); }  public void processline(string line) {     stringtokenizer s = new stringtokenizer(line);     int pos = 0;     int n;     while (s.hasmoretokens()) {         n = integer.parseint(s.nexttoken());         boardnums[9 * currow + pos] = n;         pos++;     }     currow++; }  public void checklegality() throws malformedboardexception {     (int = 0; < boardnums.length; i++) {         if (boardnums[i] < 0 || boardnums[i] > 9) {             throw new malformedboardexception("board incorrect " + + " "                     + boardnums[i]);         }     } }  public int[] getboardnums() {     return boardnums;     } }   /* sudoku board has 9 rows , 9 columns = 81  cells. cells either have row/col designation  e.g., row 4, col 7, or (4,7), or single int   designation, numbered 0-80. latter numbering works  left right, top bottom. sudoku divides  board 9 zones, , array zonekeys  gives cell numbers correspond nw  corner cell of each zone  */ public class sudboard {     final static int size = 9;     final static int maxval = 9;     final int[] zonekeys = { 0, 3, 6, 27, 30, 33, 54, 57, 60 };     private int[][] cells = new int[size][size];     int count = 0;  public sudboard(int[] nums) {     // passed length 81 array - start board     int j = 0; // counts though nums     (int r = 0; r < size; r++) {         (int c = 0; c < size; c++) {             cells[r][c] = nums[j];             j++;         }     } }  public sudboard install(int where, int whatval) {     // param 0-80 val; r,c = row/col version     int r = / size;     int c = % size;     this.cells[r][c] = whatval;     return this; }  public boolean impossible() {     // current board impossible?     boolean ans = false;     ans = rowimpossible() || colimpossible() || zoneimpossible();     return ans; }  public boolean possible() {     return !impossible(); }  public boolean rowimpossible() {     // 1 of rows impossible?     boolean[] boo = new boolean[maxval + 1];     (int k = 0; k < boo.length; k++)         boo[k] = false;     (int r = 0; r < maxval; r++) {         (int c = 0; c < maxval; c++) {             int v = cells[r][c];             if ((v > 0) && (boo[v] == true))                 return true;             else             {                 boo[v] = true;             }         }         (int k = 0; k < boo.length; k++)             boo[k] = false;     }     return false; }  public boolean colimpossible() {     // 1 of columns impossible?     boolean[] boo = new boolean[maxval + 1];     (int k = 0; k < boo.length; k++)         boo[k] = false;     (int c = 0; c < maxval; c++) {         (int r = 0; r < maxval; r++) {             int v = cells[r][c];             if ((v > 0) && (boo[v] == true))                 return true;             else             {                 boo[v] = true;             }         }         (int k = 0; k < boo.length; k++)             boo[k] = false;     }     return false; }  public boolean zoneimpossible() {     // 1 of zones impossible?     boolean[] boo = new boolean[maxval + 1]; // 0 - 9 sudoku     boolean ans = false; // true means: zonal conflict, impossible     (int j = 0; j < zonekeys.length; j++) {         (int k = 0; k < boo.length; k++)             boo[k] = false;         ans = zonetest(zonekeys[j], boo);         if (ans)             return true; // there zone clash     }     return false; }  private boolean zonetest(int j, boolean[] boo) {     // tests 3x3 zone cell# j nw corner     int r = j / size;     int c = j % size; // row/col version of j     (int = r; < r + 3; i++)         (int m = c; m < c + 3; m++) {             int v = cells[i][m];             if (v > 0) {                 if (boo[v] == true)                     return true;                 else                     boo[v] = true;             }         }     return false; }  public int firstempty() {     // visits cells in english reading order l r, top bot     (int j = 0; j < size * size; j++) {         int r = j / size;         int c = j % size;         if (cells[r][c] == 0)             return j;     }     return -1; // -1 means: full }  public int wiggle(int r, int c) {     // how many ints 1-9 possible @ cell (r,c)     if (cells[r][c] != 0)         return 0;     else {         boolean[] covered = new boolean[10]; // awkward avoid 0         covered[0] = true;         rowcovered(r, covered);         colcovered(c, covered);         zonecovered(r, c, covered);         int ct = 0;         (boolean b : covered)             if (!b)                 ct++;         return ct;     } }  private void zonecovered(int r1, int c1, boolean[] b) {     int z = getzonekey(r1, c1);     int r = z / size;     int c = z % size;     (int = r; < r + 3; i++)         (int m = c; m < c + 3; m++) {             int v = cells[i][m];             if (v > 0)                 b[v] = true;         } }  private int getzonekey(int r, int c) {     // given cell, zone in (id'd key)     return (zonekeys[3 * (r / 3) + c / 3]); }  private void rowcovered(int r, boolean[] b) {     (int c = 0; c < 9; c++) {         int k = cells[r][c];         b[k] = true;     } }  private void colcovered(int c, boolean[] b) {     (int r = 0; r < 9; r++) {         int k = cells[r][c];         b[k] = true;     } }  private boolean filled(int i, int j) {     return (cells[i][j] > 0); }  public void display() { // prints board     (int r = 0; r < size; r++) {         system.out.println();         (int c = 0; c < size; c++) {             system.out.print(cells[r][c] + " ");         }     }     system.out.println(); }  public boolean solve() {     count++;     int w = firstempty();     if ((w == -1) && possible()) // -1 -> no empties     {         system.out.println("legal -- recur count: " + count);         display();         return true;     }     else if (impossible())         return false;     else     {         boolean ans = false;         (int k = 1; k <= 9; k++) { // try possible values             install(w, k);             ans = solve();             if (ans)                 break; // found solution, break out         }         if (!ans)             install(w, 0); // no soln - put 0         return ans;         }     } } 

as can see program supposed solve sudoku puzzle. getting set correctly great!


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