c# - Wiring up fluentvalidation with Nancy and Ninject -

i using nancy ninject ioc. fine. need add fluentvalidation. how go wiring nancy use fluentvalidation via ninject?

i see there's nuget package ninject.fluent.validation can't find documentation or example on how use it.

the demo project on nancyfx website uses tinyioc it's not useful me.

update: have tried do:

var createrequest = this.bindandvalidate<createrequest>();  if (!modelvalidationresult.isvalid) {     return response.asjson(modelvalidationresult, httpstatuscode.badrequest);     } 

the model valid (even if there should errors reported createconsumerrequestvalidator).

this have added in ninject bootstrapper:

bind<imodelvalidatorfactory>().to<fluentvalidationvalidatorfactory>().insingletonscope();  assemblyscanner.findvalidatorsinassemblycontaining<createrequestvalidator>() .foreach(match => bind(match.interfacetype).to(match.validatortype));  

the imodelvalidatorfactory wired automatically nancy v0.12 (see here configure nancyfx fluent validation) - need wire validators.

this works nancy 0.23

using fluentvalidation;  using ninject.extensions.conventions; using ninject.modules;  public class validatormodule : ninjectmodule {     public override void load()     {         this.kernel.bind(             x =>             x.fromassembliesmatching("yournamespace.*")              .selectallclasses()              .inheritedfrom<ivalidator>()              .bindallinterfaces());     } } 


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