java - How to directly download a file from server,without saving it in any folder? -
if(!ermutil.isnull(listofactualfilepaths) && listofactualfilepaths.size()>0){ fileoutputstream fos = new fileoutputstream("/smiles/wrk/attachments/ermweb/taxation/"); zipoutputstream zos = new zipoutputstream(fos); iterator itronfnames = listofactualfilepaths.iterator(); while (itronfnames.hasnext()) { stringbuffer actualpath = (stringbuffer); addtozipfile(actualpath.tostring(), zos); } zos.close();//closing both streams fos.close(); } public void addtozipfile(string filename, zipoutputstream zos) throws filenotfoundexception, ioexception { system.out.println("writing '" + filename + "' zip file"); file file = new file(filename); int index = filename.lastindexof("/"); string filenameforzip = filename.substring(index+1); fileinputstream fis = new fileinputstream(file); zipentry zipentry = new zipentry(filenameforzip); zos.putnextentry(zipentry); byte[] bytes = new byte[1024]; int length; while ((length = >= 0) { zos.write(bytes, 0, length); } zos.closeentry(); fis.close(); }
i using above code, save zip-ed file on specific location. want that, instead of saving file, downloaded directly.
edit 1 see if want download zip file,then according above code, on path /smiles/wrk/attachments/ermweb/taxation/ saved first,then folder, i(server) can send client(computer).
but don't want save on specified path,instead of "saving first folder , sending client", directly want send client.
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