Android Studio - automatically load support libraries -

i'm getting frustrated having load same support libraries on , on again each time start new project. there make sure they're loaded when starting android studio?


[edit] found library jack wharton doing looking for. check sdk manager plugin :

it exists libraries. have check on building projects graddle in android-studio :

tips graddle
app generator included libraries

graddle test project loads automatically (for example only)

buildscript {   repositories {     jcenter()   }   dependencies {     classpath ''   } }  // manifest version information! def versionmajor = 1 def versionminor = 0 def versionpatch = 0 def versionbuild = 0  apply plugin: ''  repositories {   jcenter() }  dependencies {   compile ''   compile ''    compile filetree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar']) }  def gitsha = 'git rev-parse --short head'.execute([], project.rootdir).text.trim() def buildtime = new date().format("yyyy-mm-dd't'hh:mm'z'", timezone.gettimezone("utc"))  android {   compilesdkversion 20   buildtoolsversion "19.1.0"    defaultconfig {     minsdkversion 15     targetsdkversion 20      versioncode versionmajor * 10000 + versionminor * 1000 + versionpatch * 100 + versionbuild     versionname "${versionmajor}.${versionminor}.${versionpatch}"      buildconfigfield "string", "git_sha", "\"${gitsha}\""     buildconfigfield "string", "build_time", "\"${buildtime}\""   }    signingconfigs {     release {       storefile file(storefilepath)       storepassword keystorepassword       keyalias storekeyalias       keypassword aliaskeypassword     }   }    buildtypes {     debug {       applicationidsuffix '.dev'       versionnamesuffix '-dev'     }      release {       signingconfig signingconfigs.release     }   }    lintoptions {     abortonerror false   }    compileoptions {     sourcecompatibility javaversion.version_1_7     targetcompatibility javaversion.version_1_7   } } 


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