objective c - Add location to EKEvent IOS Calendar -
how add location not nsstring latitude , longitude ,so shows map in calendar?
@property(nonatomic, copy) nsstring *location;
code :
ekeventstore *store = [[ekeventstore alloc] init]; [store requestaccesstoentitytype:ekentitytypeevent completion:^(bool granted, nserror *error) { if (!granted) { return; } ekevent *event = [ekevent eventwitheventstore:store]; event.title = @"event title"; event.startdate = [nsdate date]; //today event.enddate = [event.startdate datebyaddingtimeinterval:60*60]; //set 1 hour meeting event.notes=@"note"; event.location=@"eiffel tower,paris"; //how add lat & long / cllocation? event.url=[nsurl urlwithstring:shareurl]; [event setcalendar:[store defaultcalendarfornewevents]]; nserror *err = nil; [store saveevent:event span:ekspanthisevent commit:yes error:&err]; nsstring *savedeventid = event.eventidentifier; //this can access event later }];
the property structuredlocation
available on ios 9, though ekevent documentation doesn't mention it, structuredlocation
exist in ekevent public header file, , can check inside xcode. no need use kvc set after ios 9.
swift version follows:
let location = cllocation(latitude: 25.0340, longitude: 121.5645) let structuredlocation = ekstructuredlocation(title: placename) // same title ekevent.location structuredlocation.geolocation = location ekevent.structuredlocation = structuredlocation
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