javascript - What is causing my visualizer to not move at all even the microphone is captured? -

i have code green visualizer should moving moment microphone captured. causing not move @ all?

<!doctype html> <html> <head>   <style>     body {       background-color: white;     }      img {       width: 12px;       height: 12px;     }   </style> </head>  <body >  <div id="select_media" style="padding:2px;background-color: black;color:white;      width: 250px;">   <table>     <tr>        <td valign="top">                 <div class='select'>           <table>           <tr>             <td>               <img src="/images/camera.png" />             </td>             <td>               <video muted autoplay style="width: 208px;height: 200px;"></video>                <select id='videosource' style="width: 208px;"></select>             </td>           </tr>            <tr>             <td>              <img src="/images/microphone.png" />             </td>             <td>               <select id='audiosource' style="width: 208px;"></select>               <br/>               <canvas id="test" style="background-color: black;                        width:208px;height: 10px;" ></canvas>                           </td>                       </tr>  <!--          <tr>             <td>               <img src="/images/speaker.png" />             </td>             <td>               <select id='audiosource' style="width: 208px;"></select>             </td>           </tr>-->            <tr>             <td valign="top">               <img src="/images/speaker.png" />             </td>             <td>               <span id="playtestsound" onclick="playtestsound('audio1', 'play');"                      style="cursor:pointer;">play test sound</span>                     <br/>               </td>                       </tr>         </table>              </div>       </td>        <td>        </td>     </tr>    </table>  </div>        <audio id="audio1" src="/audio/phone.wav" controls preload="auto"              autobuffer            style="display: none;">         browser not supported     </audio>  </body>    <script type="text/javascript">     var videoelement = document.queryselector("video");     var audioselect = document.queryselector("select#audiosource");     var videoselect = document.queryselector("select#videosource");     var startbutton = document.queryselector("button#start");      var canvascontext=document.getelementbyid("test");      navigator.getusermedia = navigator.getusermedia ||       navigator.webkitgetusermedia || navigator.mozgetusermedia;      function gotsources(sourceinfos) {       (var = 0; != sourceinfos.length; ++i) {         var sourceinfo = sourceinfos[i];         var option = document.createelement("option");         option.value =;         if (sourceinfo.kind === 'audio') {           option.text = sourceinfo.label || 'microphone ' + (audioselect.length + 1);           audioselect.appendchild(option);         } else if (sourceinfo.kind === 'video') {           option.text = sourceinfo.label || 'camera ' + (videoselect.length + 1);           videoselect.appendchild(option);         } else {           console.log('some other kind of source: ', sourceinfo);         }       }     }      if (typeof mediastreamtrack === 'undefined'){       //alert('this browser not support mediastreamtrack.\n\ntry chrome canary.');     } else {       mediastreamtrack.getsources(gotsources);     }       function successcallback(stream) {                         window.audiocontext = new webkitaudiocontext();       window.analyser = window.audiocontext.createanalyser();       window.microphone = window.audiocontext.createmediastreamsource(stream );       window.javascriptnode = window.audiocontext.createscriptprocessor(2048, 1, 1);        window.analyser.smoothingtimeconstant = 0.3;       window.analyser.fftsize = 1024;        microphone.connect(analyser);        window.analyser.connect(window.javascriptnode);       javascriptnode.connect(window.audiocontext.destination);        //canvascontext = document.getelementbyid("test");       canvascontext= canvascontext.getcontext("2d");        window.javascriptnode.onaudioprocess = function() {         var array =  new uint8array(window.analyser.frequencybincount);         window.analyser.getbytefrequencydata(array);         var values = 0;          var length = array.length;         (var = 0; < length; i++) {             values += array[i];         }          var average = values / length;         canvascontext.clearrect(0, 0, 300, 130);                 canvascontext.fillstyle = '#00ff00';         canvascontext.fillrect(average,0,50,130);          console.log('>>> ' , average);       }; = stream; // make stream available console       videoelement.src = window.url.createobjecturl(stream);;          }      function errorcallback(error){       console.log("navigator.getusermedia error: ", error);     }      function start(){       if (!! {         videoelement.src = null;;       }       var audiosource = audioselect.value;       var videosource = videoselect.value;       var constraints = {         audio: {           optional: [{sourceid: audiosource}]         },         video: {           optional: [{sourceid: videosource}]         }       };       navigator.getusermedia(constraints, successcallback, errorcallback);     }      function playtestsound(soundobj,todo) {       var thissound=document.getelementbyid(soundobj);       switch(todo) {         case 'play':           thissound.volume=0.20; ;           break;         case 'stop':           thissound.pause();                   break;       }     }      audioselect.onchange = start;     videoselect.onchange = start;      start();   </script>  </html> 

it seems bug chrome/canary.

in osx 10.9.5 microphone active not working, when went osx controle panel , changed microphone volume level instantly started work.

enter image description here


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